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Denied credit? Legally repair your credit report.

How do I update the personal information within my credit file?

Contact each of your creditors and make sure that they have your personal information correct in their records. As your creditors report information to the credit bureau's, the current information in your file will be updated. If you forget to update your personal information with any one of your creditors, they will continue to report incorrect information to the bureau's. The credit bureau's will then update your personal information to reflect your outdated or incorrect information. Updating your personal information with your creditors first will ensure that information reported to credit bureau's by your creditors is correct. After contacting your creditors, you may also contact the specific credit bureau's dispute center and request that your personal information be updated or corrected

Why Lenders Use Scores:

Typically, lenders want to see how you have fulfilled your credit obligations in the past to help them determine if they should approve your request for credit now, and to help them determine the terms of that credit. A FICOŽ score is a valuable guide to future risk based solely on credit file data. The higher the score, the lower the risk to lenders when extending new credit to a consumer. The score is an objective measurement of your credit risk at a particular point in time. Lenders may also evaluate other types of information... such as data you provide on the credit application (for example, income, how long you have lived at your residence, other banking relationships you may have) in their loan evaluation process.

How can I dispute inaccuracies on my Credit Bureau Reports?

As stated in the FCRA, you have the right to dispute information that you feel is being reported incorrectly on your Equifax, Experian & Transunion Credit Reports. You can initiate an Online Dispute immediately or you can contact our dispute centers via telephone at their toll-free number listed below. You must have a current copy of your Credit Report and your confirmation number to complete this process online, which is found at the top of your Credit Report in most instances.

Additionally, you can dispute inaccuracies via US mail by writing to:

Equifax | 866.640.2273
P.O. Box 740256
Atlanta, GA 30374

Experian | 877.284.7942
P.O. Box 2104
ALLEN, TX 75013-2104

Transunion | 800.493.2392
P.O. Box 6790
Fullerton, CA 92834